I’m Corbin. I grew up in Tulsa, OK and never thought I would love filmmaking this much. It all started out with me taking pictures of sunsets with my drone and one thing lead to another, I get to do what I love and help others out with it as well! Whether you want a commercial, advertisement, wedding video, or you just have an idea for a short film. I would love to help out with any project you need. Check out my work and let me know what you think!
When I’m not filming, I am working out, snowboarding, flying, or doing something to keep me active. I love being outside and doing something that keeps me moving. If you could describe me in one phrase it would be a “camera loving pilot”.
I started flying when I was 16. I got all my licenses to be able to teach people how to fly and that is what I get to do full time! Filming is a hobby but I like to treat it as a career. There is so much to learn about filming and I work hard at it every day. If I am not filming for a client, I am thinking of ways to create shorts films and stories for others to enjoy!
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